Ins and Outs of Amazon Account Health Rating (AHR) in 2024

Ins and Outs of Amazon Account Health Rating (AHR) in 2024

Is your amazon account health rating keeping you up at night?

Amazon sellers know that maintaining a healthy account is essential for success. But how many of us truly understand what goes into the Amazon Account Health Rating (AHR)? Did you know that a single late shipment could impact your AHR and potentially jeopardize your selling privileges?

Understanding the intricacies of the AHR is crucial for sellers aiming to thrive on Amazon. This blog will walk you through everything you need to know about AHR, why it matters, and how you can keep it in top shape.

What is Amazon Account Health Rating (AHR)?

The Amazon Account Health Rating (AHR) is a performance metric on Seller Central that evaluates the overall health of a seller’s account. It assesses factors like customer service performance, policy compliance, and order defect rate. Essentially, it’s Amazon’s way of ensuring that sellers meet their high standards for customer satisfaction and policy adherence.

Account Health Rating on Seller Central accessible via Menu > Performance > Account Health.

Account Health Rating on Seller Central accessible via Menu > Performance > Account Health.

Key Components of AHR

Order Defect Rate (ODR): Measures negative feedback, A-to-Z Guarantee claims, and chargebacks. Amazon sets a benchmark ODR of less than 1%. Exceeding this can lead to account suspension.

Slash Your Amazon Order Defect Rate (ODR) in Half by reviewing negative feedback to identify common problems and address them to maximize customer satisfaction.”

Late Shipment Rate (LSR): Tracks orders shipped past the expected shipping date. An LSR higher than 4% can negatively impact your AHR and potentially lead to the loss of selling privileges.

Pre-Fulfillment Cancel Rate: Counts orders canceled by the seller before shipment. Maintaining this rate below 2.5% is crucial to avoid penalties.

Valid Tracking Rate (VTR): Represents the percentage of packages with valid tracking numbers out of the total packages in a 30-day period, applicable only to seller-fulfilled orders. Amazon requires a VTR greater than 95%. Falling below this threshold can restrict your ability to sell non-FBA items in certain categories.

Policy Violations: Includes infringements such as intellectual property violations, selling restricted products, and more. These can have immediate and severe consequences on your account health.

Why Amazon Account Health Rating Matters to Sellers

A good AHR is not just a badge of honor; it’s crucial for maintaining your selling privileges and ensuring your listings stay active. Here’s why you should care:

Account Suspension:

Amazon’s strict policies mean that a poor AHR can lead to suspension or even permanent bans. This could be disastrous for your business, cutting off access to a vast customer base and halting your sales.


BuyBox Eligibility:

A healthier account has a better chance of winning the Buy Box. This is crucial for driving sales, as the Buy Box is where the majority of purchases are made.

“If you’ve been selling on Amazon for a while and still haven’t earned your BuyBox, this is your sign to learn How to Win ‘Buy Now’ Box on Your Amazon Product and outshine your competition!”

Customer Trust:

High ratings build trust with potential buyers. When customers see that you maintain a high AHR, they are more likely to purchase from you, knowing that you provide reliable service.

“Encourage positive product reviews on Amazon to build customer trust in your brand, especially when about 94% of customers rely on reviews before making an online purchase.”

Pro Tips to Maintain a Stellar AHR

Keeping your AHR in top shape requires a proactive approach. Here are some tips to help you stay on track:

Monitor Performance Metrics Regularly:

Make it a habit to check your account health dashboard frequently. This will allow you to spot and address potential issues before they escalate.

Prioritize Customer Service:

Respond promptly to customer inquiries and resolve issues swiftly. Excellent customer service can help you avoid negative feedback and A-to-Z Guarantee claims, both of which can hurt your AHR.

Accurate Listings:

Ensure your product listings are accurate and up to date to avoid policy violations. Misleading or incorrect information can lead to customer complaints and penalties from Amazon.

Efficient Fulfillment:

Use reliable fulfillment methods to avoid late shipments and cancellations. Consider using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) to ensure timely delivery and take advantage of Amazon’s logistics network.

Stay Informed:

Amazon’s policies and guidelines are constantly evolving. Stay informed about any changes to ensure your business remains compliant.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Many sellers fall into traps that could easily be avoided with a little foresight:

Ignoring Metrics:

Regularly review your performance metrics to catch issues early. Ignoring these metrics can lead to problems that could have been easily fixed if caught in time.

Poor Inventory Management:

Keep your stock levels updated to prevent cancellations and delays. Running out of stock can lead to pre-fulfillment cancellations, which negatively impact your AHR.

Overlooking Policy Changes:

Stay informed about Amazon’s policy updates to avoid unintentional violations. Amazon frequently updates its policies, and staying in the loop can help you avoid penalties.

How AMZDudes Can Help

Managing your Amazon Account Health Rating can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. AMZDudes offers comprehensive services to help you maintain a healthy account, including:

Account Audits:

Regular checks to ensure compliance with Amazon policies. AMZDudes’s experts will review your account and provide actionable insights to improve your AHR.

Inventory Management:

Strategies to keep your stock levels optimized. AMZDudes can help you implement effective inventory management practices to avoid stockouts and cancellations.

Policy Updates and Compliance:

Stay up-to-date with Amazon’s latest policies. AMZDudes provides regular updates and ensures that your account is always compliant with the latest guidelines.

Fulfillment Solutions:

AMZDudes can assist with both FBA and Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP) options, ensuring that your fulfillment methods meet Amazon’s standards for timeliness and reliability.

Final Thoughts

Understanding and maintaining your Amazon Account Health Rating is crucial for your business’s success. By staying informed and proactive, you can keep your account in good standing and focus on what you do best—growing your brand. Remember, a healthy account is a successful account.

For more information on how AMZDudes can assist you, visit AMZDudes. With the right support and strategies, you can ensure your AHR remains strong, protecting your selling privileges and boosting your sales.

By following the tips and advice outlined in this blog, you can navigate the complexities of Amazon’s performance metrics and keep your account in excellent health. Whether you’re a seasoned seller or new to the platform, maintaining a good AHR should be a top priority.

With the help of experts like AMZDudes, you can ensure your account remains in peak condition, allowing you to focus on expanding your business and reaching new heights of success.