How To Run Amazon Ads Effectively For More Sales [2024]

Maximizing Your Profits By Selling On Amazon B2B (2)

When we hear about ecommerce platforms, the name Amazon pops up in an impromptu response. As one of the most reliable online marketplaces, around 66% of sellers are crossing sales beyond a million dollars simply by leveraging Amazon PPC advertising formats. Such enticing statistics naturally raise the question of “How To Run Amazon Ads” effectively.

Check out our blog about “How Much Are Amazon Ads” to discover which type of ad is most effective and budget-friendly for you.

Even though Amazon receives 500M+ organic traffic on its platform, the question remains: how can you attract this traffic to your Amazon store, and how can you persuade these visitors to buy your product?

A simple and frankly obvious answer is Amazon PPC advertising.

Even without a huge budget, a well-planned Amazon ads campaign can help you outstrip the competition and boost sales on the platform.

Advanced Amazon PPC advertising strategies yield faster results, even if most stores start with the basics.

In the following sections, we will explore proven methods of Amazon PPC management that will help you increase your return on investment (ROI), build brand recognition, and automatically generate more sales.

Six Amazon PPC Advertising Strategies To Run Amazon Ads Effectively:

Every cent matters when it comes to advertising on Amazon. Getting the most out of your advertising budget is a tough nut to crack in this cutthroat industry.

If you’re wondering about “How To Run Amazon Ads” that boost your stagnant sales, here are some strategies to run an effective Amazon ads campaign. You can maximize your ad expenditure and observe a considerable improvement in ACoS by consistently following these methods.

Work On Your Brand Image

Sponsored Brand advertising has become increasingly popular over the years;

Sponsored Brand ads appear in the first column of the search results page header when a consumer enters their query on the Amazon search engine. Its placement makes it one of the most used Amazon PPC advertising methods by marketers looking to spread their brand’s awareness.

Sponsored Brand advertising

Regardless of whether the product was what the customer had planned to search for, the prominent placement of this ad type has demonstrated an 18% sales conversion rate for products displayed on the search results page.

Pairing these Amazon PPC advertising campaigns with product-highlighting keyword phrases and exact-match keywords makes them perfect for top-of-the-funnel brand recognition and product reach.

Make Your Product Listing Stand Out!

It all starts with the title. This has the power to captivate, excite, and inspire the viewers. Remember that if your product detail page is excellent, customers who click on your Amazon ads campaign will be more likely to purchase. An accurate and descriptive title with the most relevant product information and keywords is a great way to start your product material.

Visually appealing storefronts and product listings, such as eye-catching EBC content or enticing photography, can lure customers to spend more time in your stores. Such content enhances the consumer experience and may teach them much about the product. Bring your product and its uses to life with high-quality, professionally shot photographs, which you can use for your Amazon ads campaigns.

Make Your Product Listing Stand Out!

When interacting with clients, having excellent communication skills is immensely necessary. Provide essential details about the product, including its features and warranties, in an informative and engaging product description. Outline the product’s uses, customer benefits, and compatibility with at least five bullet points. Descriptive aspects like size, color, and size packs should be shared.

Hiring an Amazon PPC agency to manage your store, including your product listings, can save you a lot of time and effort; hence, we recommend it to all new Amazon sellers. If you hire Amazon PPC management experts, you can rest assured that your product listings will be optimized with relevant keywords and well-structured with informative infographics in the EBC content.

Monitor And Manage Your Target ACoS

Start by determining your business goal to determine the target ACoS for your Amazon PPC advertising. Determine if the present ACoS is more than or equal to the desired ACoS on a campaign and keyword basis.

To lower the ACoS, lower the bids on the keywords or stop running an Amazon ads campaign on them entirely if they exceed the target ACoS.

For instance, if your current ACoS is 80% and your target ACoS is 30%, you should reduce your bids on the keywords that aren’t performing up to par. It boosts the total profitability of your Amazon ads campaign while decreasing your ad expenditure.

Conversely, if the ACoS is below the target, your keywords are over-optimized; to enhance conversion and RoAS, you can raise the bids on such keywords. If your target ACoS is 30% and your current ACoS is 15%, you should raise bids on these keywords that are performing well to grab more traffic and sales on your Amazon PPC advertising.

As simple as it may sound, running more than 100 campaigns for your brand at a time, although impactful for your brand, can be daunting for someone with little to no prior experience.

How to calculate ACoS for Amazon PPC advertising

On the other hand, hiring an Amazon PPC management expert to do your bidding and track your Amazon ads campaign performance will save you from all those Google searches about “how to set up Amazon ads,” “how to create Amazon ads,” “how much are Amazon ads” and lastly “how to run Amazon ads.” You increase your chances for maximum ROI and can invest your time and energy in tasks requiring immediate attention.

Watch Out For The Negative Keywords:

There is no guarantee that the Amazon ad campaigns will be relevant to the targeted keywords.

A broad search might return a bewildering variety of products. Setting up negative phrases and keywords is essential to avoid having your product appear in irrelevant search results.

Watch Out For The Negative Keywords

For instance, you wouldn’t want to target and rank “spray” as a keyword if you were selling after-shower body sprays. Investing a buttload of money in Amazon PPC advertising that targets people interested in something other than what you have is the opposite of an effective Amazon ads campaign, even if you get some clicks and a few sales.

To get the most out of negative keywords, you should devise a meticulously crafted Amazon PPC management strategy to target the most profitable keywords while ignoring the rest. Be cautious to check negations before adding products to your catalog to avoid blocks, and use negatives to keep your campaigns from competing.

You should avoid using broad terms with a lot of traffic but no conversions and instead focus on specialized keywords and phrases with a high conversion rate, irrespective of the amount of traffic.

Use Advanced Amazon Keywords (Long-Tail) For Relevant Traffic

The key to a successful Amazon PPC advertising campaign is keyword research.

Exposing your items to the appropriate consumers interested in buying will not allow you to target specific words or phrases. A long-tail keyword is what you need.

Why? For the simple reason that a more targeted search, such as “wooden chopping board with compartments,” significantly increases the likelihood of a sale, as compared to a more general search, such as “chopping board”.

The absence of rivalry is another argument favoring narrowing your keyword research focus. The price and saturation of generic terms like “candle” are through the roof.

You will need help ranking for the term and getting buyers to click through as a new seller on the platform.

One way to improve your Amazon search engine optimization (SEO) and increase brand exposure and sales is to target terms with low competition and strong buy intent or partner with an Amazon PPC management expert to research and embed relevant keywords to your listings, along with detailed and Hi-res images, Amazon policy compliant, to rank your listing to the top pages of Amazon’s search results.

Remove The Ineffective Campaigns

It is time to turn off the Amazon ads campaign that isn’t bringing in any money after you’ve reviewed the statistics of your top-performing campaigns. An essential part of Amazon PPC management is monitoring which keywords are doing well and which aren’t.

Think about which things aren’t selling well or aren’t performing at all. When a product needs a lot of ads to make one sale, you have to ask yourself if it’s worth selling.

Instead of allocating marketing resources to a product that isn’t performing well, you might consider dropping it or seeing it as an upsell opportunity when the return and profit margin are low.

You Need To Hire An Amazon PPC Management Expert!
If you’re a seller on Amazon, you need the Amazon PPC advertising services of AMZDUDES. Ex-Amazonians, established sellers, and seasoned specialists are here to make Amazon PPC Management a breeze for your store.

Once you consider the lengths our reliable Amazon PPC agency will go to and unlock new levels of growth for your brand, you may never want to go back!

Our Amazon PPC management experts will handle everything, from setting up your new Amazon account to sourcing and launching new products and planning Amazon PPC advertising campaigns to enhance your brand visibility. Apart from professional Amazon PPC management, our professionals will ensure your store’s organic growth with our proven SEO strategies and manage your account’s overall health and performance.