Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR): What It Is and How to Improve It

Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR)_ What It Is and How to Improve It

n our previous article, we learned about the critical advertising metric of CPC and how we monitor it to analyze our campaign’s performance. Another metric that Amazon sellers cannot ignore is the Best Sellers Rank (BSR).

It’s a presumable purchasing behavior of any buyer preferring the seller with the Best Sellers Rank over the others. Besides customer reviews, the buyers will instead rely on the sellers verified by Amazon, holding the Best Sellers Rank.

Let’s delve into the algorithm, insights, and interpretation of the Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR) metric and how it’s a game-changer for every seller who wins it!

What is Amazon BSR?

An Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR) is a number that is assigned to practically every product in its multi-million product inventory after at least one sale. As a result, the BSR is a good measure of how well a product is currently selling on Amazon.

The lower the BSR of a product, the higher its sales. A product ranked first, for example, sells far more than a product ranked 200,000.

However, the BSR only pertains to how a product sells in a specific category. In other words, products do not have an overall BSR compared to every other product on Amazon. Because many products on Amazon sell in many categories, an item may have more than one BSR.

Go to the product detail page and scroll down to look for the BSR listed in the Product Information section; it will be organized by category.

If you click “See Top 100 in Sports & Outdoors”, a list of “Best sellers in Sports & Outdoors” will appear. The products with high BSR scores are highlighted on Amazon’s Best Sellers list in real-time. Customers looking for widely used and highly rated products may find this helpful list.

Amazon Best Sellers

How is the Amazon Best Sellers Rank calculated?

We’ve mentioned that Amazon’s BSR considers current and past sales, product price fluctuations and promotions, and category popularity. But what does that mean?

First, it’s essential to realize that Amazon’s BSR is updated hourly, so if a product suddenly becomes very popular, its BSR should go up within an hour.

Your product’s best-seller rank on Amazon’s overseas sites will be determined separately from the best-seller rank it receives on

However, some Amazon seller tools may be used regardless of the Amazon marketplaces you sell to monitor fluctuations in your BSR. Several tools are available to keep tabs on your Amazon Best Sellers Rank, such as AMZ Insight, SellerApp, and Jungle Scout.

The Importance of a “LOW” Best Sellers Rank (BSR) For Sellers

Most significantly, BSR is frequently used as a benchmark for determining a product’s success and popularity within a given market segment. This rating can shed light on a product’s viability by showing whether or not it is selling as well as it could be.

Maintaining a low (high-performing) BSR score over time can improve a product’s organic Amazon ranking. A compounding effect is created as a prolonged increase in Amazon sales velocity affects organic rank. A wave of sales can boost your positioning for long-term success and get you closer to your sales potential.

BSR also provides evidence of its connection to stock control. A lagging organic rank or BSR for a product with high sales volume may indicate inefficient stock management. If this describes your product, there may be room for improvement in handling inventories.

How To Differentiate Between Amazon’s Organic Rank And Best Sellers Rank?

Difference Table of best Best Sellers Rank & Amazon Organic Rank

Products’ success on Amazon can be gauged in several ways, including their Amazon Organic Rank and Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR). They serve diverse functions and measure different things, but their importance cannot be overstated.

The difference between Amazon’s Best Sellers Rank and organic ranking is one of the most critical aspects of selling on Amazon, but one that many new sellers need to grasp at first.

Differentiating Factors Between Amazon’s Choice And Best Seller:

People often confuse the Amazon’s Choice badge with the Amazon’s Best Sellers Rank. While both badges signify that the products featured in the listing are of excellent quality, the Amazon’s Choice badge is awarded only to the listing that is the best possible match for the keyword in question. Conversely, products with the highest hourly unit sales in their category earn the Best Seller designation.

Amazon Products

The Best Seller badge is based on the sales rate, while Amazon’s Choice relies on search engine optimization and keywords. Remember that a product might have both the Best Seller and Amazon’s Choice badges for a given search term.

How To Improve Amazon BSR (Best Sellers Rank)?
Once you realize the hold the Best Seller tag has on your sales, you ensure to rank your product’s BSR in the top 100 ranks. Although this does not affect your organic ranking, getting your BSR low enough (preferably between 1 and 100) will feature your product in the Best Seller Lists. If nothing else, this earns your product the recognition it deserves.

The most essential thing to do to retain your badge or get it is to increase your Amazon sales. If you want to rise in the Amazon Best Sellers Ranking, you must sell more units than every other seller in the same product category.

You must take a holistic approach to see meaningful gains in your Amazon Best Sellers Rank. Here are a few factors that answer your question “how to improve Amazon BSR”?

1. Drive More Organic Traffic with Pay-Per-Click Ads:

To promote your goods, you can use Amazon’s (PPC) advertising system. When consumers respond favorably to these advertisements by clicking through and making purchases, it boosts sales velocity and organic search engine rankings. As BSR is equally dependent on these characteristics, rising sales rates will improve Amazon sales rank and BSR.

2. Obtain Extra Praise and Applause:

One of the most critical ways to improve Amazon sales rank and product credibility is to have satisfied customers leave favorable reviews. Good reviews can significantly impact your product’s reputation, making it more appealing to potential customers and eventually driving more sales, enhancing your Best Sellers Rank (BSR).

3. Maintain Competitive Pricing:

Getting the buy box is difficult, but not impossible, with the correct costs. Repricing software might help maintain a competitive edge.

4. Use Images to Set Your Products Apart:

High-quality photos will help you stand out and entice potential customers to try your product over your competitors to increase Amazon product sales. Pick ultra-high-definition pictures that don’t resemble those used elsewhere to describe the product.

Differentiate yourself from the competition by taking photos of your product from various perspectives to show how it will look and be utilized in practice.

5. Leverage Amazon FBA and Prime:

Amazon favors sellers who use their fulfillment service, and of course, you’ll then have the opportunity to offer Prime on your listings.

Buyers love speedy delivery and the trust and reliability of FBA and Prime. Hence, this brings you a huge opportunity to increase Amazon product sales – and, ultimately, your Amazon Best Sellers Rank.

Ready To Win The Best Sellers Rank On Amazon?

We’ve covered pretty much everything sellers must know to comprehend the significance of the Amazon Best Sellers Rank. Although, we understand that many Amazon Sellers simply do not have the manpower to keep track of their numbers. As a result, we advise Amazon sellers to work with a team of experts to manage their online store.

AMZDUDES is a group of highly experienced Amazon professionals. Your brand’s success and expansion on Amazon are inevitable with our team on board. You can count on us to increase Amazon product sales, increase Amazon BSR, and eventually improve Amazon sales rank. Apart from ensuring an increase in Amazon BSR, our team even offers other services to support your Amazon sales rank, including Pay-Per-Click advertising and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to Product Launching and Full Account Management.