Amazon Account Verification: What the INFORM Act Means for Your Business


Online fraud not only cause customers but also damages the reputation of authentic sellers on Amazon. From making fake seller profiles to sending counterfeit products to the consumer are all contributors to damaging the brand’s reputation and shaking the customer’s trust in the platform’s policies regarding consumer safety.

Amazon, one of the biggest e-commerce platforms, has begun to further tighten its policies regarding seller’s ID authentication, especially under the umbrella of the INFORM Consumer Act. Through its new policies, Amazon will suspend all suspicious seller accounts if the sellers fail to comply with Amazon’s re-verification requirements.

Enforcing the new law is solely meant to secure the interest of authentic sellers so the platform continues fostering a healthy trade environment. In the latter sections, we discuss the basic requirements for completing Amazon’s re-verification process, followed by genuine seller queries.

What is the INFORM Consumer Act?

The acronym “INFORM” stands for Integrity, Notification, and Fairness in Online Retail Marketplaces for Consumers Act. The act aims to ensure transparency and protect consumers from falling victim to fraud sellers. The show was approved last year in 2022 and is scheduled to go into effect on June 27, 2023.

Under this act, all online marketplaces, including Amazon, must collect, verify and disclose the information provided by sellers that verifies their identity and establishes the legitimacy of their business. The law applies to sellers who earn at least $5,000 annually on the U.S. market.

Standards for Amazon Account Verification Under INFORM Consumer Act

To maintain the safety of the Amazon sellers and buyers on its platform, Amazon has begun reverifying its third-party sellers on the verge of account suspension in the U.S. marketplace. The new Amazon account verification system aims to prevent online theft, the trade of stolen goods, or any other illegal activity through its platform.

Requirements of the INFORM Consumers Act

Amazon already has an established account verification process for collecting and verifying the information of its sellers and their businesses; the new law still requires Amazon to take additional steps to verify the information of high-volume third-party Amazon sellers.

Under the requirements outlined in the act, Amazon must collect and verify certain information for identification, including the bank details of the high-volume sellers on Amazon. Any seller who sold over 200 ‘new’ items and generated around $5,000 within 12 consecutive months will be categorized as a high-volume seller.

The sellers are expected to provide the following information;

  1. Bank account number
  2. Functioning business contact number
  3. Official business email address
  4. Tax ID of the seller
  5. For individual sellers on Amazon, the name of the individual legally authorized to act on the sellers’ behalf.
  6. For business sellers, the business name and name of a business point-of-contact

In addition, marketplaces must collect, verify, and display a seller’s name and physical address on a product page, in purchase confirmations, or in order details for sellers with annual revenue of $20,000 or more through a given marketplace.

And lastly, the marketplaces are required to collect certifications from the high-volume Amazon sellers that the information provided by them is accurate and is updated at least annually. Moreover, the marketplaces are also required to suspend the accounts of any high-volume seller who fails to adhere to the requirements defined under the INFORM Act.


How will I know if I must submit my documents for Amazon re-verification?

If Amazon requires any information to verify your business legitimacy, it must have or will send you an email with clear instructions. You may also visit your Account Health page, Account Information page, and Seller Central for updates.

What happens if I submit my documents after the Amazon-specified deadline?

In the case of failure to submit your documents on time, you may be asked by Amazon to temporarily deactivate your Seller Central in adherence to the new law. The platform may hold your disbursements as Section 3 of Amazon’s Business Solutions Agreement.

How can I prepare to get my account verified?

If you’re an Amazon seller, you can visit the Account Information page or Account Health page in your Seller Central and check for the information that has not yet been verified by Amazon or is still left to be provided. You should also check that the current data is accurate and is still the same for your existing business.

Does Amazon protect my personal information?

The personal details of the sellers on Amazon are well-protected by the platform. Amazon takes strict measures to ensure your details are not accessible to unauthorized users. For more information on how Amazon protects your privacy, you may visit Privacy Notice.


As the FTC will begin enforcing the INFORM Consumers Act on 27th June 2023, Amazon is speeding up the re-verification process for hundreds of thousands of high-volume Amazon sellers active on the platform. Even though the sellers might find the process troublesome and frustrating for a while, in the long run, the marketplace will ensure a safe online shopping experience for both the sellers and buyers.

Call AMZDUDES for more information and updates on the Amazon re-verification process and to consult with our experts on how to simplify Amazon’s account verification process and become verified before the Amazon-mandated deadline.