From Keywords to Images: How to Optimize Every Element of Your Amazon Product Listings

From Keywords to Images_ How to Optimize Every Element of Your Amazon Product Listings

You’re ready to launch your new products on Amazon; you’ve completed your research and set up the logistics; all that remains is to reach your target audience. This is where the optimization of Amazon product listings comes in.

Since more than 75% of online shoppers seek their products on Amazon, your product has to compete through a massive catalog of more than 353 million available products on the platform. This means your sales and conversion rates depend on how well you did on optimized product listings.

Adding visual appeal and A+ content for description, embedded with optimized keywords, is one of the most fundamental and crucial aspects of the obtaining attention of your target demographic.

Conducting Amazon Keyword Research For Optimizing Product Listing

The best practice for conducting Amazon keyword research for optimizing product listings is to look for high to mid-volume keywords. You can begin your search using various SEO keyword tools like Helium 10, SellerApp, Jungle Scout, etc. Put in your focus keyword the name or category of your product, and all top-searched keywords on Amazon and other platforms will appear below.

While you’re on your search, you’ll come across two types of keywords: short-tail and long-tail keywords. However, optimizing product listings with long-tail keywords is preferably a better option than short-tail keywords. Why? Long-tail keywords, unlike short-tail keywords, have low competition and are much closer to the buyer’s search intent and, hence, are comparatively easier to rank on.

Amazon Keyword Research

Another effective strategy for Amazon keyword research is to employ keywords extracted directly from Amazon. Apart from using keyword research tools, you can simply use Amazon’s search bar to look for top-searched keywords on Amazon. It’s easy. All you have to do is type in relevant or generic keywords for your products, and the auto-complete feature will entail all the relevant top-searched keywords on Amazon; these are the long-tail keywords you can embed into descriptions for optimizing product listings.

Another way to optimize product listings is by adding images that will likely appeal to your target audience. Choosing attractive product images relevant to your listings will increase the chances of higher conversion rates for prospective customers.

Amazon can be incredibly picky when ranking product listings, so much like any other form of optimization (Amazon SEO), you need to meet the requirements and guidelines related to optimizing product listings.

While adding images to your product listings, you must ensure that the images match the product title and description exactly. Then comes specific requirements your image should fulfill before putting it up next to your Amazon product listings.

  1. About 85% of your image should advertise the product you are selling; this makes the picture user-friendly.
  2. The ideal image should be 1600 and 10000 px so that the zoom-in features are applicable.
  3. The uploaded image should be in a specific file format: JPEG, TIFF, GIF. JPEG (no animated GIFs)
  4. Images should be vivid and sharp; poor quality pixels and blurriness will affect your optimizing product listing process.
  5. Lastly, no images should have Amazon’s trademarks or any other symbol indicating any reference to Amazon.

Optimizing Product Listings With Images

Another way to optimize product listings is by adding images that will likely appeal to your target audience. Choosing attractive product images relevant to your listings will increase the chances of higher conversion rates for prospective customers.

Amazon can be incredibly picky when ranking product listings, so much like any other form of optimization (Amazon SEO), you need to meet the requirements and guidelines related to optimizing product listings.

While adding images to your product listings, you must ensure that the images match the product title and description exactly. Then comes specific requirements your image should fulfill before putting it up next to your Amazon product listings.

  1. About 85% of your image should advertise the product you are selling; this makes the picture user-friendly.
  2. The ideal image should be 1600 and 10000 px so that the zoom-in features are applicable.
  3. The uploaded image should be in a specific file format: JPEG, TIFF, GIF. JPEG (no animated GIFs)
  4. Images should be vivid and sharp; poor quality pixels and blurriness will affect your optimizing product listing process.
  5. Lastly, no images should have Amazon’s trademarks or any other symbol indicating any reference to Amazon.


Why is it essential to invest in optimizing Amazon product listings?

Amazon product listings provide customers with the product’s information and specifications. Including relevant images and videos of the products, product descriptions, and customer reviews improves the product’s authenticity, convincing potential customers to purchase the product. Therefore, sellers must ensure that their product listings are sufficiently optimized and competitive to rank among the top search results.

How does A+ content help in optimizing Amazon product listings?

By using A+ content for your product descriptions, you can make your product listings user-friendly and compelling to the customers. Unlike regular content that allows you to add only 2000 characters to your product listing without any images or videos, A+ content lets you perfectly describe your product’s features with well-written product descriptions, brand stories, adding high-quality lifestyle images, in-action shots, and more on the product listing that would make the customers more interested in your product.

How can the Amazon SEO agency help me optimize my Amazon product listings?

Amazon keyword research can be tricky and sometimes seems dull to sellers. Having an Amazon SEO agency by your side, you can put all your focus on selling your products while leaving the job of optimizing product listings to the experts, from finding top-searched keywords on Amazon to incorporating them. A reliable Amazon SEO agency will handle it all for you.

If you’re a new or an established seller on the platform looking for professionals to help you optimize your listings and boost sales, look no further than the top Amazon SEO agency, Amzdudes. Join hands with us to see visible results in your sales and conversion rates while we take your business to new levels of success.